Sometimes when I hear others talk about their relationship
with God it sounds so beautiful and reverent. But throughout my Blue Monarch journey, there have been many
times when my conversations with God have included lines such as, “What were
you thinking, Lord?!” or even “Dear God - are you crazy?!”

Well, it was almost 10:30 and there was no way I was doing that. I wasn’t accustomed to walking in the door that late at night and certainly not into someone’s bedroom. Our residents would think I had lost my mind! And I also convinced myself it would frighten them, and that was reason enough not to go. So, there.
“For crying out loud, that’s crazy. I’m not doing it.” End of story.

As I got closer and closer to the exit I would need to take
for Blue Monarch, the message from God just got louder and louder. I couldn’t ignore it no matter how loud
I turned up the music. So as
usual, I thought I would cut a deal with God and settle this conflict on my
“Okay, okay, God.
This is the deal. I will
drive out to Blue Monarch – even though it’s now almost 11:00 at night. If Kristi’s light is on, I’ll go
in. But if she’s in bed, I’m
turning around and going home. And
by the way, this is crazy, just so you know.”
As I drove into the dark driveway at Blue Monarch, and made
my way to the Woods House where Kristi was staying, I expected to see a totally
dark house. But there was one
single light on downstairs. I
quietly opened the door and walked inside. And what did I find?
Kristi was the only one awake, and she was sitting there almost like she
was expecting me.
I sat down next to her and said, “I know this sounds crazy,
but God told me to come pray with you.”
And at that point I could hear God telling me to place my hands over her
ears, which I did, even though it felt like a weird thing to do. Then He told
me to tell Kristi that it was safe for her to hear now, that she was not going
to hear the hurtful things she had heard in the past.
As soon as I told her this she collapsed and began to
weep. And I’m sure you know the
rest of the story. Her hearing began returning almost immediately.
Thank you, Lord, for showing
me your tremendous power of healing through something I thought was just a
crazy idea. And, oh by the way,
thank you for being so patient with me for thinking I knew better. What was I