It had to be the greatest speaking gig ever. It was in the Bahamas. The family of a prestigious foundation invited me to speak at their 2010 Members and Trustees meeting after hearing my story of how Blue Monarch got started, which began with a powerful dream I had one night many years ago. Naturally I accepted the invitation. Who wouldn’t?
Just a few days before the trip, I received all the impressive printed material that went along with the event. It was clearly a much bigger deal than I realized. When I began reading the bios of the other speakers, my heart started beating right out of my chest.
There was my brief little “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm” bio, right in the middle of a collection that represented famous scientists and dignitaries we only see on television or hear about in the news. Oh. My. Gosh.

I immediately picked up the phone to call the family and gracefully decline. Actually, I wanted to give them an opportunity to uninvite me because clearly there had been a terrible mistake. “No, we always hear from thinkers. We would love to hear from a doer.”
So, off I went to the Bahamas to get in front of a massive crowd of folks who were a thousand times smarter than I was. My stomach stayed in knots until I finally got my opportunity to speak, which was not until the last evening of the event. I stepped up onto the podium and said, “Well, I have to confess, when I saw the list of outstanding people attending this meeting, I realized I had precious little time to write a best-selling novel, cure a disease, or bring world peace – so I apologize because I wasn’t able to do any of those things.” At that point it became surprisingly easy.
I went on to tell the story of Blue Monarch, how we got started from an actual dream I had one night when I was minding my own business, and how it all eventually came true, down to the tiniest detail. I shared some of the amazing stories of lives changed and lives saved. The entire banquet hall of dignitaries respectfully listened to every word, appeared to be engaged, and responded with excellent questions.
The next morning a husky man approached me while I was eating breakfast in the hotel. He said, “I was at the meeting last night and heard your talk.” He had a very thick British accent, which I have never been able to properly imitate. “Did you see Chuck Colson? He was hanging on every word you said.”
I hesitated. “Chuck Colson...Chuck Colson…the name sounds familiar.”
“Wait. Wasn’t he involved in Watergate?”
The man was incensed at my ignorance and began giving me the complete rundown of how Mr. Colson founded Prison Fellowship, which had become the country’s largest Christian non-profit serving prisoners and their families, and he had become a leading advocate for criminal justice reform. He was especially offended I had never heard Chuck Colson on the radio. Should I tell him I don’t know if it’s Alfred or Albert? That would really get him in a wad.
When I returned to my room, I quickly looked up Chuck Colson’s photo on my computer so I could see if I remembered seeing him in the crowd.
Oh, my word. Yes, I certainly did.
The night before, after dinner when I was returning to my room, I helped a nice couple navigate their way to the elevator. The gentleman and I both grumbled about how the hotel forced their guests to travel through the chaotic casino to get back to their rooms. I remembered the man introducing himself, and later when I asked him again to repeat his name (because I had already forgotten it), he and his wife looked at each other and had a good chuckle about it. Well, no wonder.
Just a few days later, I returned to my office and this is what was already sitting on my desk. I quickly ripped it open and the first paragraph from Mr. Colson said, “As you perhaps know, I founded Prison Fellowship many years ago when I was released from prison for a Watergate-related offense.” (He was probably hoping by now I had figured out who he was, for crying out loud.)
The letter also complimented me on my “stirring testimony”. But this is the part I have referred to many times through the years, when I found myself needing a good pat on the back.
“I find it very amazing that you do as much as you do on the kind of budget you have.” It goes on to say, “I could tell from listening to you that your business skills have been an obvious plus as you’ve realized the fulfillment of your dream.” Ah...what a meaningful endorsement.
There have been many times since 2003 when I have reached a point where the task ahead seems enormous and much bigger than I am. But I have realized there is something I refer to as the “perfect cocktail” to trudge ahead.
First of all, it takes a good reminder that God is in control, not me. Blue Monarch is his plan, not mine. Every time I remind myself of this, I find I can breathe again.
Secondly, it takes many, many folks who listen to God’s call on their own hearts, to share their resources, and help fund the things we do. I take great pride in the fact we have done as much as we have with what we have received. We always strive to be good stewards of what we have been given and this is often a topic we emphasize in staff meetings.

That endorsement from her meant as much to me as the endorsement from Chuck Colson. When people give of their time or their resources, they also tell us they believe in our mission, they trust us with their investment, and they are cheering us on in our toughest moments. That means the world to us – especially in times like the ones we are in today.
This past year has been one of the most remarkable years we have ever had at Blue Monarch. In many ways I would compare it to the very beginning, when I started out each day with a trust fall. Back then I felt like I stepped onto a fast locomotive train every morning, never knowing where it would take me, but simply trusting God to get me there.
We have experienced unbelievable abundance this year through the generosity of many, many kind-hearted people.
· We received gifts to purchase two new 15-passenger vans and can now transport our women and children without the fear of breaking down on the side of the road.
· Through the generosity of an anonymous family and others, we built four more cottages for our WINGS Transitional Community for Graduates and can now offer this successful, extended opportunity to eight women and their children.
· By receiving a very unexpected $200,000 matching gift from a sweet couple, we were able to raise the funds from lots of other generous folks to purchase an adjacent 58-acre farm to expand our campus and strengthen our program.
· And – just one month after the purchase of the farm, we received an unbelievable promise for $825,000 to build an additional 8-family residential facility on our new property. I received this amazing news from Ben and Joan Rechter on a Friday afternoon when I could still see cows in the very spot where we would be able to build this magnificent home.
We do not take this abundance lightly. “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” Luke 12:48
For nearly seventeen years, I have been looking at the fence outside my office window that divided our property from the neighbor’s farm. It was terribly close, and I always hoped and prayed that one day it would be removed and we would be able to cross that boundary. So naturally, I wanted to be standing there when that “wall” finally came down. I imagined crossing that line along with all the women and children and staff of Blue Monarch as we would hold hands and dramatically take that momentous step together. But, despite all my best efforts and planning, the fence came down while I was at a board meeting and I missed it.
As soon as the meeting was over, I raced back so I could see how it looked without the fence in place. It was not the ceremony I had envisioned, but it turned out even better than that.
The sun was going down as I jumped out of my car. I quickly walked out into the pasture with just enough light to avoid the cow patties that were still scattered across the grass. As I ventured onto this land that I had only observed from a distance, I felt like God was giving me a private viewing of what was up ahead. It was almost what people refer to as an out of body experience.
I stood on the spot where we plan to build the first of two new homes. I was anxious to see what our women and children would see from their bedroom windows and from the front porch. I could already smell the scent of new construction.
Off in the distance on the horizon was the gorgeous sunset that often feels like a gift just for us. It was exciting to imagine that some special woman will be seeing that from her bedroom window soon.
Then I looked across the field at where we hope to build a multi-purpose building one day. I imagined all the powerful classes that will take place there, I pictured the children in play therapy to overcome hideous traumas, I imagined the counseling, the exercising and ballgames, the healing, the praying, the graduations, the big meals, the events, the music...
Then I looked at the spot where we hope to build a new granola kitchen to take on more business, which will provide more on-site jobs for our women. And nextdoor, a daycare that will serve our children and the surrounding community as well. Not only that, but it will also provide a clinic for those mothers who risk losing their jobs because they have no one to fall back on when their children are sick.
And then I got even more excited as I looked at the existing cow barns and thought about how we plan to use them for horse therapy to allow our women and children an even richer opportunity to heal.
With a wave of energy and emotion, I was overcome with the realization that this expansion, when completed, will allow us to serve 40 families, more than double the number we can currently house. With over 200 families on our waiting list at any given time, that means a lot.
As I lingered in that spot and took it all in, I glanced at the beautiful main house, which I had never seen from that perspective. The lights were on, the house was full of life, there was a woman at the kitchen sink cleaning dishes from supper, and I could hear a mother and child laughing as they ran to their room at the other house. There was the faint sound of someone practicing the piano in the great room. A mom stepped outside to set her barn boots on the back porch and then hesitated for a moment to admire the sunset.
"Yes, Lord. This is what it is all about." I am not typically a crier, but I found myself standing there in the dark with this window into life at Blue Monarch - and this window into future life at Blue Monarch - with tears running down my face. "I don't know what in the world I ever did to deserve this beautiful moment, Lord, but thank you for the train that got me here."
We are keenly aware that Blue Monarch is in a season of tremendous growth and with that comes greater responsibility. Does it feel overwhelming at times? Well, of course it does. However, it feels like I have been here before because I find myself ready to step onto that locomotive train again, and I cannot wait to see where it takes me. This time, however, I’m taking a whole lot of wonderful people along with me. So, if you are one of those, hang on – because it’s going to be an amazing ride.
Lord, let us never forget to look to you for guidance, and to always remember, the glory belongs to you alone. Amen