We’ve had an amazing thing happen at Blue Monarch and every
time I sit down to write about it, I’m so overcome with emotion, I can’t even
put my feelings into words. But
I’ve waited too long. There’s no
way I can do this story justice but this is how this blessing has looked
through my eyes and I want you to feel like you were there with us. So here goes…
Last year was the first year I didn’t reach my fundraising
goal. In years past this would
have put me into quite a state of panic.
However, I had a sense of peace about this unexpected shortfall and
continued to pray for abundance.
For many years I foolishly prayed for only what we needed, but last year
as a staff we shifted all our prayers to those of abundance – not necessarily
monetary abundance, but abundant blessings.
Before the end of the year I had a significant dream in
which God showed me the campus of Blue Monarch from the air, he lifted off
something like a lid, and when he did, magnificent bright light burst out of it
and filled the sky. I felt he was
telling me not to worry, that 2016 was going to be a great year and in my own
words, “bust wide open!” Boy, was
he right…
On an otherwise ordinary Friday afternoon in February, I
checked my email before I left my office for the weekend. I was excited to see that I had an
email from this guy, one of my favorite donors, Bob Peters, who was living in
New Hampshire with his wife, Jacque.
Or so I thought.
Bob informed me that Jacque had passed away, which I was really
disappointed and sad to hear. She
had given us her organ before they moved and I am reminded of her every single
day when I walk past it.
“Jacque was a wonderful loving wife, mother of four great
children, grandmother to nine up-and-coming young people plus three great
grandchildren. Naturally, we, her family, would like to honor her memory in
some meaningful way. One compelling idea is to do something in conjunction with
Blue Monarch to which she felt an immediate connection since we first learned about
your efforts to help mothers and their children get out of the clutches of
abuse and addiction and back into mainstream society.”
Bob went on to describe how he and his children wanted to
dedicate a playground to her since she cared so much about physical
fitness. I thought this was an
awesome idea! He had me at this
point because I was so excited to honor her in this way. Yay! A new playground! What a great way to end the week.
But then in the last paragraph, Bob went on to describe how
he and his four children wanted to donate a “good portion of Jacque’s estate”
to Blue Monarch. And he put the
dollar amount in parentheses.
Okay – this is a moment I will never forget. In fact, this goes right up there with
the men walking on the moon. My
first thought was that my imagination was running completely amuck. I remembered as a child
hearing about a neighbor who had a “nervous breakdown” and since it happened to
her in the grocery store, I assumed it was this uncontrollable thing that could
happen to you at any moment – at any place. Was this my own nervous breakdown? Was I imagining things?
I sat there and stared at the number. I counted the zeros several times. And this was the amazing thing. No matter how I moved the commas around,
it was still incredible.
For fear this wasn’t really going to happen, I was hesitant
to share the news with anyone other than a few close family members and
friends. But most had the same
reaction. Tears. Immediate tears. Yes, it was overwhelming news for sure
and I often wondered if I was simply walking around in some sort of altered
A few weeks later I met with Bob and two of his four
children, Kent and Beth. We
discussed some ideas of how this gift might be used and how it could fit into
the future plans we already had in place.
One of the ideas that appealed to them the most was one that was
actually on my own personal bucket list - building four cottages for our
graduate transitional program.
(This program has been hugely successful in gradually preparing our
graduates for the outside world in a supportive environment, but we only had
one cottage for this purpose. We
call the program, WINGS, which stands for Women In Newly Grounded Success.)
I was especially excited because they all three agreed that
if we were going to do something, why do it ordinary? Let’s make the cottages extraordinary. We already have a reputation for
providing a uniquely beautiful home for a population that often finds help in
more institutional facilities. We,
however, have a former bed and breakfast on a beautiful 50-acre farm and the
cottages needed to live up to that standard.
We also discussed using the other half of this gift to establish an interest bearing account for Blue Monarch to use for major projects and sustainability. This would be the first time in the history of our organization that we had such a fund.
Bob then asked if I would plan Jacque’s memorial service and incorporate a groundbreaking ceremony as well. I could not have been more honored. And it was especially moving that this memorial service would take place on our own Blue Monarch campus.
So - in a private ceremony last week, we had this special
day. Family members gathered from
across the country. We celebrated
the amazing woman Jacque was: an
adventurer, a world traveler, an avid athlete, an amazing mother and wife. We marveled at how many parallels there
were between what she stood for, how she raised her children, and what we do at
Blue Monarch. It was no wonder she
was so drawn to Blue Monarch. Bob
said after her first visit she came home talking about us and kept talking
about Blue Monarch for days after.
We laughed at the remarkable way Jacque first learned about
Blue Monarch – through her bowling buddy, Pat. (Which by the way, I’ve been encouraging everyone to get out
and bowl.) And we absorbed the
deep meaning of how this gift, that originated from Bob and Jacque, but is
actually being granted by their four children, not only demonstrates the
continuation of her generous heart through her family members, but will also
impact so many women and children in the years to come.
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Caden and Linsey |

It was a glorious day.
And it was truly a day of abundance – not just abundance in gifts - but
abundance in new friendships, abundance in community support, abundance in the
numbers of women and children we will be able to serve, and abundance in the
blessings they will receive.
I have to wonder, how many times are we praying for a Pinto
when God really wants to give us a Cadillac? The Bible is filled with examples of how much he loves us
and wants to give to us abundantly.
(Luke 11:9-13) But it’s also filled with instruction that we must first ask – and also
believe we will receive.
Thank you, Lord.
We are grateful for those who listen to you and allow others to receive
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