We often find ourselves at odds with the medical community. And in fact, some of our staff recently spent an entire evening debating addiction treatment with a couple of physicians until I finally realized we would never even meet in the middle. We couldn't even agree on the definition of "sobriety." To us sobriety means completely free from drugs - all drugs.
Because we see women gain complete and total freedom from addiction, it's frustrating that we don't all agree on the path of getting there. We wish everyone could experience the freedom we see here because it's truly life changing!
However, it takes the courage to feel the pain to get to the finish line. Not numb the pain - feel the pain. It's the ones who go through that grueling process, with God's help, who reach the other side and begin a life without addiction.
Here is a blog post I wrote a few years ago that addressed this very issue. If you missed it then, I'd like to share it with you now. It still applies. And the answer is still the same.
A Standard for Measuring True Grit
For some reason my great-grandmother was always called "Kay"
when that was actually her last name.
She was tiny, practically deaf, a widow for thirty years before she died
at the age of 93 – and she was tough as nails.

Mornings at Kay’s house were sacred. She always started her day way before
daybreak and silently prepared her breakfast, which was the same every
day: one piece of dark toast topped
with a fried egg cooked in bacon grease, a slice of tomato, and a cup of strong
coffee. She never said a word as
she went through this morning ritual and except for the fact she placed an
identical plate in front of me, there was no indication she even noticed I was there.
Kay had grey hair that hung way below her waist, which she wore in a tightly wound braid on the back of her head. There was only one occasion that I saw her hair down and when I remarked that she looked like a witch I was quickly reprimanded by my grandmother and never said it again. It was merely an observation…
Kay’s routine was the same every day. After her morning breakfast routine we wouldn’t see her again until lunch. She checked on the cows, she worked in her massive vegetable garden, she tended to her chickens, or she occasionally worked in the family sawmill.
One day Kay did not show up for lunch. This had never happened. So off we went on a massive search, afraid she may have had a heart attack or gotten hurt. The search became more and more frantic until we finally returned to the house to discover something I would never forget.
Kay had grey hair that hung way below her waist, which she wore in a tightly wound braid on the back of her head. There was only one occasion that I saw her hair down and when I remarked that she looked like a witch I was quickly reprimanded by my grandmother and never said it again. It was merely an observation…
Kay’s routine was the same every day. After her morning breakfast routine we wouldn’t see her again until lunch. She checked on the cows, she worked in her massive vegetable garden, she tended to her chickens, or she occasionally worked in the family sawmill.
One day Kay did not show up for lunch. This had never happened. So off we went on a massive search, afraid she may have had a heart attack or gotten hurt. The search became more and more frantic until we finally returned to the house to discover something I would never forget.

It’s no wonder that I’m reminded of this often as I watch the amazing women of Blue Monarch. I imagine that they are repairing their own wounds in much the same way Kay did, and it takes nothing less than that same level of true grit and determination to heal - with each and every agonizing stitch.

It’s painful to take an honest look at yourself and see how your choices may have hurt your children and the ones you love, especially when you can no longer numb the pain with drugs. It’s sometimes unbearable to see the struggles your children are having because you were not giving them the care they so desperately needed. It hurts to process memories of atrocities you have endured at the hands of people you should have been able to trust. And it’s even harder to come to a point of true forgiveness that will eventually set you free from the pain.
And it’s difficult beyond words to embrace an entirely new way of life in order to reach the point of freedom you want so badly that it almost takes your breath away.
However, each step is like one more stitch toward healing and wholeness. I have watched this process many, many times - and yet God’s healing power still amazes me! Sometimes I think just one of these experiences could keep someone in therapy the rest of their lives. But the women we serve throw themselves at the feet of Jesus and completely rely on Him to help them overcome their addictions, heal their broken hearts, and restore their relationships with their children who were also hurting. They count on Him for true freedom.
So the truth is, I have met lots and lots of “Kays” at Blue
Monarch. I tell people all the
time they are the most courageous women I have ever known. But
when I picture them sitting at the
table with their wounded arms stretched across the table, stitching up
painful hurt after another, I also know that Jesus is sitting at the
table with them - holding their hand with each and every stitch. And that’s why they are healed.
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3
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